Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Final Conversations with Christ- Part 7

During Jesus’ time on earth, the disciples boldly followed him, often disregarding their “common sense” to take part in something beyond human comprehension. Whether it be following Jesus and walking on water (Matthew 14:22-33), shamelessly proclaiming the gospel (Mark 6:12), faithfully praying over the sick (Luke 9:1-6), or boldly casting out demons through Jesus’ authority (Luke 9:1-6), the disciples took part in some crazy stuff! However, following Jesus while he was on earth was only the beginning of their journey. They would go on to give their lives and change the world through proclaiming the gospel.

Reading the history of all the adventures, trials, and miracles the disciples were a part of in the Bible can seem a bit “story-like,” or unrealistic in comparison to what we know as “modern-day Christianity” at times. In reality, however, God CAN and does still move though people in a mighty way. It wasn’t Jesus leaving earth that changed anything, as we see through the countless number of miracles that took place after his ascent. Rather, it is a matter of obedience. In John 14:26, Jesus tells the disciples of a new teacher that would lead them. As he describes, But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.Furthermore, Jesus describes in John 16:8-11 that the Holy Spirit will bring a new understanding of righteousness. Likewise, instead of verbally hearing Jesus’ instructions, the disciples would shift to listening through the Holy Spirit.

Although Jesus was not physically present after his departure to Heaven, the disciples still maintained a responsibility to be obedient to God. As it is recorded, their obedience after Jesus left earth continued to enable them to take part in incredible things. They prayed over people who were healed (Acts 3:6-8), they boldly prayed with God’s authority to cast out demons (Acts 5:16), and they passionately preached the gospel.

In the same way, we, too can be a part of God’s incredible plans. However, that is dependent on our willingness to follow the Holy Spirit. Let us follow the example of the disciples, and boldly obey God’s direction. Imagine what would happen if we completely surrendered our “common sense” our dignity, or our earthly desires to be a part of something so much greater.

Written by: Tamara Sturdivant
Edited by: De Ann Sturdivant

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