Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Fine Arts Festival

Talent is God’s gift to us. What we do with that talent is our gift to God.” –Josh Wellborn, Michigan District Youth Director

This weekend, I watched REMIX students from Freedom Christian exhibit an immense amount of talent. From excellently performed melodies, to rocking percussion solos, to beautifully composed art, to sobering human videos, REMIX displayed a plethora of talents at Fine Arts. While there is something to be said about the natural talent possessed by REMIX students, that is not what is most impressive about this group. Rather, it is their heart behind the performance. It is their urgency to develop, create, and do what they were made to do.  It is their desire to use their gifts not to perform, but to WORSHIP that is so inspiring.

In worship to God, students gave their time. REMIX students could have spent their time over the past few months watching tv, shopping, playing video games, or doing anything else. Instead, however, they dedicated their personal free time to develop their God-given talents.

In worship to God, REMIX students stepped outside their comfort zone. Instead of letting fear hold them back, students boldly and confidently used their talents to sing songs of praise, reflect the beauty of creation through art, and teach the gospel.

In worship to God, excellence was actively sought after. The performances and art created by Freedom Christian’s youth were not done halfheartedly. Each performance was well-practiced, thoughtful, and intentional. REMIX did not solely bring God glory through their performances at Fine Arts, but by pursuing excellence in preparation.

 In worship to God, encouragement and support was given to all those developing their skills to share the gospel. At the celebration service (when all the merit awards are announced), REMIX students loudly cheered for every single winner, regardless of whether or not they knew the person.

The mindset behind sacrificing time, stepping outside one’s comfort zone, pursuing excellence, and supporting the Church as a whole boils down to one thing: WORSHIP. REMIX students have captured the vision of living a lifestyle of worship, using their gifts to glorify God and share the gospel. It is my hope that we, as a church, follow the great example set by our youth. Let us give sacrificially of our time, willingly step outside our comfort zone, pursue excellence, and have a missional mindset.

God has gifted you with talent. What are you going to do with it?

Written by: Tamara Sturdivant
Edited by: De Ann Sturdivant

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