Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Listen- Part 1

The verb “listen” is defined as “to pay attention to someone or something in order to hear what is being said.” While the definition of “listen” is simply understood, many fall short in execution of this task. Particularly, listening can be challenging in one’s relationship with God. So often, we, as Christians, are tempted to have a one-sided conversation with God. We present our requests and, perhaps, wait a brief period of time for an answer. Then, if we don’t receive an answer immediately, we assume God isn’t speaking and move on. This is not a healthy way to communicate with God. While waiting on Him for direction and answers is important, there is so much more to listening.

Beyond seeking answers to our questions, we must recognize that listening entails allowing God to speak freely. By definition, listening means asking about someone else’s desires and plans. It means setting aside time to hear someone else’s voice. It means averting our attention to someone else. Listening means closing our mouths and opening our ears. In a typical person-to-person exchange, overlooking the importance of listening may be perceived as rude or self-indulgent. So why is it, then, that when it comes to speaking with our very own Creator and Savior, that we often disregard what He has to say?

This Sunday, Pastor Aaron described six ways that God speaks to us.

1.       God speaks to us through the Bible.
2.       God speaks to us through gifted teachers.
3.       God speaks to us through friends and family.
4.       God speaks to us through leadings of the Holy Spirit.
5.       God speaks to us through pain.
6.       God speaks to us through silence.

Whether it be through the prophetic guidance of a mentor, the persistent voice of the Holy Spirit, or the lesson amidst a difficult experience, we are constantly given opportunities to hear God’s voice. It is often a matter of simply opening our Bible, accepting guidance from an anointed leader, or becoming vulnerable in God’s presence that will awaken us to His counsel.

While it is often easier and less intimidating to approach conversation with God in a one-sided manner, solely sharing your feelings and desires, I challenge you to open your heart, mind, and ears to all that He may be speaking to you. Of course, we all have questions that we want God to answer. However, when we set aside our desires and become vulnerable to His Spirit, He may speak to us and direct us in ways that will allow us to grow far beyond our own understanding.

Written by: Tamara Sturdivant
Edited by: De Ann Sturdivant 

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