Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Shape Week 5-Heart

Despite who you are, what your background is, or what you believe, we all possess motivation within our hearts that drives us to action. It’s easy to view the church as task-oriented and business-like, with people mindlessly filling ministry positions--but that’s not what it’s about. That’s not what Freedom Christian is about. We share a common vision of connecting with others, growing in our personal spiritual lives, and serving others. However, what sets business apart from ministry, and takes vision to a deeper level of impact is an intentional approach of whole-hearted, passionate action. Likewise, it’s so important that we are not apathetic towards how we carry out this vision.  

If you have ever served in a role that you really don’t have a passion for, you can probably testify to the void felt in your ministry. I can remember being encouraged by my parents to find a way to serve in the church, then randomly selecting to work in Children’s ministry. While I value the children of our church, I have never really possessed a passion to work with kids. Each Sunday I served, I remember dreading every minute. Now, before you write me off, I’m not a child hater. I simply had not found the correct fit for my shape. While my heart was elsewhere, I was simply trying to fill a role. I failed to recognize the vital importance of serving in something that I have the heart for. Thus, my service was lackluster and robotic. Just because I filled a role, I assumed I was getting the job done. Effectively ministering, however, required more than action. It required heart.

Beyond serving in ministries that are not in line with your heart, it’s also easy to make the mistake of remaining dormant in ministry because there are no platforms you “have the heart for.” In service, Pastor Aaron listed many different heart inclinations from designing and developing, to rule following, to maintenance. Perhaps you have read up on the different ministries throughout the church, and decided none of them suit you. Although that may be true, that does not excuse you from the ministry God has called you to. Each of us possesses a heart for something, and it is essential that we act upon these passions. The church needs people who have the heart of perseverance to encourage others to keep going. The church needs people who have the heart of maintenance to make sure things run smoothly. The church needs people with the heart for excellence to push people outside their comfort zone. The world needs people like this. It starts with us eliminating the concept of “volunteering our service,” from our minds, and beginning to use the passions God has instilled in us to fuel the advancement of Christ’s vision.

This week, I encourage you to reevaluate how you serve. Are you passionately ministering to others and glorifying God? Are you actively and effectively functioning in the way in which God has created you? If not, begin to identify what/who you have a heart for, and how that plays a role in ministering to others. 

Written by: Tamara Sturdivant
Edited by: De Ann Sturdivant

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