When I was a very young teenager I
discovered Frank Peretti and his books This
Present Darkness and Piercing the
These creatively woven tales involved
the battle that waged behind the veil. Angels and demons warred for the souls
of the unseeing humans in the story.
And those angels and demons were
totally gnarly. Yeah. I said "totally gnarly." Because they were.
Totally. Gnarly.
If guardian angels existed, I wanted
mine to be like Krioni. Or Scion. Or Signa. Or Triskal. Any one of those angels
from the books would have been good as far as protecting me from unseen oncoming
cars and unbearable temptation.
As Christians, we know that “our struggle is not against flesh and
blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of
this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly
realms,” (Ephesians 6:12 NIV). And that can sometimes feel weird and a
little bit like a crazy Sci-Fi movie.
What I love about this sermon series is
that it demystifies Spiritual Warfare and we walk away with very practical ways
to engage in the battle.
This past Sunday, we talked about two
more enemies: Our Flesh and The World. We talked about how we can overcome
these things. If you were unable to be at church on Sunday, be sure to catch
the podcast because I won’t be able to recap the entire message here.
My favorite point regarding dealing
with Our Flesh was, “Refuse to Give In.” It was so simple yet so profound.
Often we find ourselves at the point of temptation and the draw is so strong
that we feel that we must give in.
The reason for this is that we haven’t predetermined how we will respond in
those moments. We haven’t safeguarded our lives to know what our response is
going to be before the temptation comes. For example, we may think to ourselves
regarding the “big things”, “Well, of course I’ve predetermined that I won’t be
unfaithful to my spouse.”
But we forget about the “little”
temptations along the way that erode that path. Predetermine that you won’t
watch or read things that allow your imagination to be stirred in unhealthy ways.
Predetermine that you won’t be involved in conversations with the opposite sex
that allow a level of intimacy that should only be shared with your spouse
(i.e. don’t talk about your spouse negatively or share marriage struggles.)
Even be careful about saying things like, “My husband thinks we should handle
our kids in this particular way. I think he’s being too harsh. I just wanted to
get a man’s outside perspective on this. What do you think?” As innocent as
that may sound, that’s subtle erosion.
While I realize that adultery is a
pretty “big” example, this common sense approach can be applied to all of the
areas of Our Flesh that we battle against.
Lies. Gossip. Profane talk. Lashing out
in anger.
Will this conversation or action that
I’m participating in cause me to be tempted to lie about it later? (yikes!)
Is the story I’m about to tell one that
I could comfortably tell in the presence of the person it’s about? (ouch!)
The list and examples could go on and
on, but I think you see the point:
Refuse to give in by setting up safeguards against the “little” areas before the “big” temptations come. Because, make no mistake, they will. It’s our job to do everything we can to stand against temptation.
Refuse to give in by setting up safeguards against the “little” areas before the “big” temptations come. Because, make no mistake, they will. It’s our job to do everything we can to stand against temptation.
put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be
able to stand your ground, and after you
have done everything, to stand.” Ephesians 6:13
Written by: Jaime Hlavin
Edited by: Tamara Sturdivant
Written by: Jaime Hlavin
Edited by: Tamara Sturdivant
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