On Sunday, we kicked off a series on the book of Proverbs. We talked about how it can be easy to brush this book off as a bunch of antiquated quips from an ancient agrarian society. But the truth of the matter is that the book of Proverbs is full of wisdom for us today. Sometimes we just need to take a few extra moments to meditate on the words, ideas and the hard-hitting, life-changing truth found therein.
Our challenge is to read one chapter of Proverbs each day corresponding with the day of the month. For example, we began on Monday, October 12 so the assignment was to read Proverbs 12. After you’ve read the chapter, pull out one verse that speaks to you and really analyze it and apply it to your life.
Aaron and I are doing this individually in our personal devotional time. Proverbs 12 really convicted and challenged me in a few areas. (Ahem…Proverbs 12:16. As one who is easily annoyed and impatient, that one hurt.)
We’ve also decided to, together as a family, read the corresponding chapter in the evenings. It’s been a time of reflection, honesty and encouragement for all of us. Aaron and I have been impressed with the insight and teachability of our children. We’ve been humble and contrite with them in the areas that we are being challenged as well. (Don’t get me wrong – I am not claiming that my kids are theological prodigies. You may have seen my social media post regarding the Proverb that my 7 year old “wrote”: If you don’t do what’s right, you’ll be eaten by the Kraken. But weird sea creature folklore aside, this is a great opportunity for my girls to begin to read and interpret scripture alongside of us.)
As you take this Proverbs Challenge over the next weeks, I would encourage you to customize it for yourself so that you can allow the scripture to impact you deeply. That may look different for each person. Many are posting their verse on social media. Maybe journaling about your verse will be most beneficial for you. Or perhaps writing it on a notecard or sticky note and placing it somewhere you’ll see it throughout the day works for you.
For those with artistic hearts, maybe putting the words to music will deepen the meaning of the words. I’ve seen people superimposing the words over a nature photo. Paint or draw the words in a way that speaks to you (I’ve seen my daughter do this with scripture).
Or talk about it around the dinner table or with a group of friends.
But whatever you do, please, take this challenge to heart. I pray that each of us would allow the wisdom of the Proverbs to drive deep into our hearts and change us.
Written by: Jaime Hlavin
Edited by: Jenelle Kelly
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