If you’ve attended Freedom for any length of time, you’re probably familiar with the phrase, “Let’s change the world from Sterling Heights and Washington Township.”
It’s a nice phrase, isn’t it? But what does it really mean? To me? To you?
We are in the middle of Love Week 2016, and if you’re currently participating in the opportunities to serve, our hope is that you’re able to answer those questions.
Shortly after Aaron and I accepted the pastorate here at Freedom, we attended a conference where the keynote speaker asked, “If the doors of your church closed today, would your community even notice?”
Those words sank deep into our hearts as we began to expand the vision of Freedom to show the love of Christ and HIS Church beyond our four walls. God was calling Freedom to make a difference in our community.
I love to see this continue to come to fruition as I watch the people I love so much carve hours and days out of their busy schedules, take time off of work and step way out of their areas of comfort to serve others without any expectation of receiving anything in return.
If you’re new to Freedom and don’t fully “get the hype” of Love Week – or even if you’re not new to Freedom – and you haven’t taken the opportunity to find an area to serve, can I encourage you to just show up to at least one and see how your friends are involved in changing the world via our community? You’ll be convinced.
Young and old (I have an 8 year old and a 12 year old who both have been involved in serving in various areas.) Introvert and extrovert. Physically fit and (ahem) not-so-physically fit (talking to myself, here). There’s room for you.
Please, don’t miss out on the opportunity to partner with God as we work to change the world from Sterling Heights and Washington Township. I can’t wait to serve alongside you.
The night before Love Week commenced, a friend of mine posted this quote on social media. I felt that it was a fitting sentiment for the upcoming days:
“You can’t be a world changer until you serve. And you can’t serve until you break free of your comfort zone.” – Ann Voskamp
The week’s not over yet. Let’s get out there and change the world together.
Written by: Jaime Hlavin
Edited by: De Ann Sturdivant