This past Sunday, we focused on the story of Moses. In Exodus 3:10, God gives Moses the
responsibility of leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Considering the sheer
gravity of the task God had given, in addition to the fact that Moses was already in late
adulthood and lacked the ability to speak eloquently, it’s not surprising that
he had a few questions to ask God first. While Moses certainly had faith, he
still had more to learn about trusting God. Likewise, we may also learn from
Moses’ example.
In this passage of scripture, Moses asks what seem to be
very logical questions: 1. What makes him relevant to fulfilling this call (Exodus 3:11), 2. How does he know it
was really the one and true God speaking to him (Exodus 3:13), 3. How will he prove to the Israelites that God gave
him this call (Exodus 4:1), and 4.
How will he possibly take on this extremely big task (Exodus 4:10)? I love that Moses asks these questions because it
gives me hope in times when I have doubts about God’s call on my life.
Moreover, I love God’s response to Moses’ questions. He
doesn’t just give Moses a call, then leave him hanging. Rather, God responds to
Moses with the reassurance and confirmation he needed to move forward. He tells
Moses that He will walk alongside him (Exodus
3:12) and equip him with all of the skills and abilities he needs (Exodus 4:11). Furthermore, God gives
clear signs that not only confirm His power to Moses, but may also prove His
hand in Moses’ mission to the Israelites (Exodus
This story only marks the beginning of Moses’ journey of
learning to trust God. Throughout Exodus, there are many more instances that he
has to trust God for the impossible, as opposed to trying to understand the
In the same sense, you and I may learn from this story that
sometimes, it’s okay to ask God questions! Verifying that God, and not someone
else, is the one speaking is a healthy practice that may allow us to better
understand His character.
Beyond the questions, however, we may learn from Moses’
example that sometimes, we must trust God without being given all the details.
As God’s word in this passage proves, He promises to walk with us and equip us
to fulfill His purpose. Likewise, when we are genuinely given a call from the
Lord, whether it be something simple or huge, He will not fail us. He will
guide us and prepare us to fulfill His purpose. However, we must be willing to
let go and trust in Him.
So, the next time you are having an “Are you serious, God?”
moment, I challenge you to set aside your human understanding. While it is
certainly no simple task, when we surrender our trust to God, He can use us to
do incredible things.
Written by: Tamara Sturdivant
Edited by: Jenelle Kelly
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