Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Final Conversations of Christ- Part 10

Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them [the armed soldiers], “Who is it you want?”

“Jesus of Nazareth, they replied.”

“I am He," Jesus said. When Jesus said, "I am He," they drew back and fell to the ground. "John 18:4-6

As I was listening to Pastor Aaron read this passage on Sunday, goose bumps came all over me. At this point in time, Jesus was awaiting his crucifixion. He knew the soldiers were there to condemn Him of a faultless life, but His response was incredible. Rather than wait for someone else to point Him out, He powerfully proclaimed, “I AM HE.”

As I reread the passage, one thing comes to my mind: Jesus owned it. What I mean by that is Jesus took so much control over not just His name, but the way He said it. He was unafraid and spoke with conviction.

Not only did Jesus have the control, but His words carried great power. In this instance, the soldiers literally fell to the ground. Who do you know that can do that? When we focus on the the power of those words, we may realize that Satan had no say or control over what was taking place. Although Satan may have been present in the situation, God had the authority.

As I sit here and reflect on how powerful Jesus’ words were in this instance, I start to think of how those words could influence us day to day.

In John 18:10-11, Peter pulled a sword and wounded the high priest's servant, Malchus. But Jesus told Peter to put away his sword and allow God's plan to unfold. When circumstances are difficult or frightening, we have the tendency to take things into our own hands, like Peter did. Sometimes we think we know what's best for ourselves, and other times, we opt to take the easier route. In the end, however, God will redirect us to His purpose. Likewise, in frightening or difficult situations we must not fear, but trust in what God has for us.

I challenge you to ask yourself, “How many times have I run from God's plan?” You can run, but Jesus is not done with you. Jesus is and will always be in charge every step of the way. In times when you’re tempted to run away, I challenge you to remind yourself of God’s power. Trust him and continue to live out his plans because HE IS GOD.

Written by: Saule Staugaard
Edited by: Tamara Sturdivant

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